Start by doing what's necessary;
then do what's possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
-Francis of Assisi


I am a data analyst, and an aspiring data scientist. I have completed my bachelor's degree in computer science and engineering from Chandigarh university in June 2022. I enjoy reading, hiking, long conversations, photography and more.

I have a wide skillset which include Python, SQL, Advanced Excel, Tableau, Data Visualization, and Machine Learning. Using these skills I have worked on a number of projects which you can checkout below.

Movie Recommendation System

A Machine Learning and Python based project used to recommend movies based on the list of movies provided by the user.

Covid Data Exploration using SQL

SQL was used for data exploration using 2 datasets which contained data related to number deaths and vaccinations around the globe.

Bike Buyer's Dashboard using Excel

Using a dataset based on people purchasing bikes for commute I have created a dashboard where one can compare data based on different criteria.

Tableau Projects

You can checkout my tableau based projects on tableau public.